FillRed - Fixed-length record editor
- Edit fixed-length ASCII files using a defined layout
- Allows for direct (= unstructured) editing of data in source view
- Data layout stored in XML
- Developed and tested on Windows 7 with .NET framework
- FillRed is free.
- Use this software at your own risk. I do not guarantee the consistency and/or
validity of any file edited with FillRed.
Download FillRed MSI (379 kB)
How to write conditions for optional fields
The internal fieldnames for a single record layout are:
- Index
- Name
- IsRecordIdentifier
- PredefinedValue
- Format
- Length
- Occurence
- RecordName
- Description
- IsOptional
- Condition
A condition can only check the current record and only data fields already parsed
(no "look-ahead"). For example, if my record has a field named 'HasMoreData' which
has possibly values 'Y' and 'N', a condition for a succeeding, optional field would
(Name = 'HasMoreData') and (Value = 'Y')
Explanation: the condition looks for a field named 'HasMoreData' with a value of
'Y'. If such a field is found, the optional field is parsed.
Version history
Planned improvements
- Allow multiple occurences of fields
- Validate field format
- Allow user to choose between left and right padding
- COBOL copybook import
March 3rd, 2010 -
- Fixed major bug (formatting failed when identity field was not first on record)
- Added log tab containing formatting and validation messages
- Fixed several minor bugs
January 16th, 2006 -
- Added layout validation on save of layout
- Added more detailed parsing error messages
- Source format allows for various line delimiters
- Fixed several minor bugs
January 14th, 2006 - (BETA)
- Fixed copy/paste bug with grids
- Added optional logging for troubleshooting
- Add "optional fields" feature:
- A condition is evaluated if present (for condition syntax see
MSDN DataColumn.Expression)
- Othwise, the current data value is compared to the predefined value and read if
they match
- If whether condition or predefined value are defined, but an EOR field is present,
the data is read if it doesn't match the EOR
January 11th, 2006 - (BETA)
- Initial version
- Layout fields "Format", "Occurence" are not yet used